Top-level precision.


+ 13-metre lift height with high residual load capacity

+ Active load stabilisation (ALS)

+ Holistic ergonomics concept

The FM-X is always more than just a fork ahead of the rest. Thanks to Active Load Stabilisation (ALS) you can deal with the next goods transport while others would still be waiting for the mast to stop vibrating. An automatic equalising pulse provides a fast and effective way of stopping the vibrations from occurring at great heights, reducing the waiting time at the shelf by up to 80 per cent. The result is a significant increase in turnaround speed. Furthermore, the available storage space can be used more efficiently with the FM-X than ever before; the high residual load capacity means that the reach truck can lift loads of up to 1,000 kg to an incredible height of 13 metres.

Relaxed, comfortable and safe work throughout the whole shift guaranteed by the holistic ergonomics concept. Footplate, steering wheel, seat – all these components can be individually adjusted to match the work requirement at hand as well as the stature and preferences of the driver. The FM-X is a compact and efficient energy bundle convincing with top availability thanks to Li-Ion technology. This does not only allow opportunity charging at any time – it is also fast: 50 % of the battery is chargeable in only 30 minutes. Many other details, such as the optional tilting seat and the exclusive STILL mast side shift, for example, make the FM-X an ideal organiser in any warehouse – from operating high racks to long distance haul or replenishment.

Simply easy

  • Precise height measurement with optical LED lift height sensor
  • High handling capacity thanks to optional Easy Target and
  • Easy Target Plus lift height pre-selection
  • Precise control of lift functions using optional Joystick 4Plus or Fingertip controls
  • Fatigue-free operation thanks to cushioned driver’s seat with optional reclining mechanism
  • With iGo systems trucks, further trucks can be added at any time so as to expand transportation capacity
  • Excellent visibility in the warehouse thanks to optional STILL Safety Light
  • Safe cornering with (optional) Curve Speed Control based on the steering angle
  • FM-X iGo systems improves transport quality and eliminates the risk of injury and damage to people, trucks, warehouse equipment and goods thanks to smart safety functions

Simply safe

  • Clever utilisation of space thanks to retractable mast
  • Optimal comfort with a wide range of cab variants and driver workstation settings
  • Suitable for a wide range of application scenarios thanks to multiple chassis variants
  • iGo systems trucks can be manually operated if required: this increases flexibility, ensures smooth processes and material flows, and enables easy access to the goods

Simply connected

  • Operator management, shock detection and controlled access with optional FleetManager 4.x
  • With intelligent interface architecture, all automation solutions can communicate with external systems
  • Easy integration into material flow management systems thanks to MMS provision
  • Different iGo systems trucks can be combined with one another, with manual transport systems and with stationary automation systems

Simply powerful

  • Impressive goods handling thanks to residual load capacity of
  • 1,000 kg at a height of 13 m, automated with iGo systems 10 m
  • Fast goods handling due to a travel speed of up to 14 km/h, automated with iGo systems 1.7 m/s
  • Reduced idle time due to high lowering and lifting speeds
  • Excellent availability thanks to a battery capacity of up to 930 Ah he software-based transport controls for the FM-X iGo systems enable optimal fleet utilisation, whilst guaranteeing a high level of process reliability, traffic management, visualisation of truck movements, battery charge status monitoring and a reduced error rate – the flow of materials and information is always reliable and mapped comprehensively and transparently

Simply flexible

  • Reduced forklift mast vibrations and less damage to goods due to Active Load Stabilisation (ALS) and OptiSpeed (both optional)
  • Unobstructed view upwards due to optional armoured glass roof

New Wave – The perfect logistics outfit for Swedish sportswear

MD decides to use Li-Ion technology from STILL

EcorNaturaSì uses forklift trucks from STILL in its logistics center in Bologna

Reach truck FM-X – Highlights

STILL and Carrefour – The Largest Fuel Cell Fleet in Europe

Automation of FM-X reach trucks at AUDI distribution center by STILL and Dematic

Automated solution by STILL and DEMATIC at CASA in Belgium (subtitles)

Reach Truck FM-X – Active Load Stabilisation

Reach Truck FM-X – Lift height sensor + Easy Target Plus

Reach truck FM-X – Lateral battery change

Havi Logistics – FM-X im Einsatz im Kühlhaus / FM-X in use at cold storage

STILL Trucks in use at the MTU Maintenance

Optimizing the material- and informationflow – STILL trucks in use at the HELLA distribution

FM-X reach truck- Active load stabilisation live demonstration

STILL reach truck FM-X – Precision at the highest level

FM-X – Joystick4Plus

FM-X – Curvespeed

FM X Lifting high

FM X Mastsideshift

FM X Optispeed

FM-X – cushioned driver seat

FM-X – Active load stabilisation

FM X Ergonomics

FM-X – Usage in the productive industry

FM-X – Usage in the warehouse

FM-X – High handling performance

 Data Sheet FM-X


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