RX 20 1,4 – 2,0 t


RX 20 1,4 – 2,0 t



+ Highest handling performance of its class

+ Highest range with one battery charge

+ Best all-round visibility for high work safety

+ High agility and precise manoeuvrability

The STILL RX 20 offers more of everything: more power, more dynamism and more availability. The latest generation of STILL’s top-selling electric forklift truck is the best RX 20 that STILL ever developed. There is the new safety and communication centre for safety and handling performance (STILL Easy Control): The driver can activate performance functions depending on the application and receives all important safety information at a glance. With the safest and quickest battery change and the largest Li-Ion battery capacity of its class, the RX 20 can be used around the clock.

Dynamic acceleration, 20 km/h maximum speed, precise manoeuvrability – with these trademark features, the RX 20 achieves the highest ever handling performance in the load range from 1.4 to 2 tonnes. When it comes to narrow aisle widths in heavy-duty two- or three-shift applications, the RX 20 really shows its strengths. This includes beverages and hardware stores, the receipt and dispatch of goods in trade and logistics applications, or production supply in the mechanical engineering and automotive industries. Equipped with Li-Ion technology, the RX 20 Li-Ion is number one for availability. Just 30 minutes of charging extend the usage time by several operating hours. The compact electric forklift truck gets its energy from Li-Ion batteries which are suitable for cold storage. When in operation, an intelligent electronics system monitors every battery cell in real time. Safety, performance and availability are what make the RX 20 Li-Ion a uniquely efficient conveyor of goods.

Simply easy

  • Intuitive handling: standard, easy-to-use operating concept across the whole RX product line
  • Efficiency-enhancing: easy entry into a highly ergonomic driver’s cab
  • STILL Easy Control on-board computer: all relevant information at a glance and performance functions just a click away
  • Ultra-fast: easy-to-operate lateral battery change

Simply safe

  • Safe and precise handling: high-precision hydraulics and agile driving dynamics
  • Safe entry: large handle, anti-slip rubber mat and wide step
  • Optimal panoramic view: slim mast and extra-large windows
  • Systematic safety: optional pre-shift check on the display to help with the daily safety inspection
  • Safety for every application: wide range of additional equipment options – from a direction indicator on the display to the Safety Light 4Plus safety lighting, as well Curve Speed Control for automatic speed reduction when cornering

Simply connected

  • Optimum networking: optional interface for integration into fleet management software such as STILL neXXt fleet
  • Controlled use: optional access control protects against incorrect operation

Simply powerful

  • Intralogistics powerhouse: highest handling performance of its class
  • Performance boost: sprint mode for peak performance at the touch of a button
  • Optimum energy efficiency: exceptionally long range with each battery charge
  • Intelligent support: traction control and other assistance functions
  • Ready at all times: optional STILL lithium-ion technology for maximum availability

Simply flexible

  • Customised control options: multi-lever, mini-lever, Fingertip or Joystick 4Plus
  • Adjustable performance dynamics: parameters such as driving and lifting speed can be adjusted to personal preferences at the touch of a button
  • Operating power tailored to your specifications: wide variety of equipment options for every application
  • Flexible, decentralised charging: Onboard Charger enables simple, fast and location-independent charging processes

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Electric truck RX20 In use at POLYTEC PLASTICS English subtitles

Electric forklift truck STILL RX20 STILL Easy View mast

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RX20 electric forklift truck truck in operation

Electric truck RX20–Electrifying short

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RX20 electric forklift truck safety

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Electric forklift truck – lateral battery change

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RX20 electric forklift truck individual driving dynamics

RX20 electric forklift truck compact and manoeuvrable

Data Sheet RX 20 1,4 – 2,0 t (English)PDF


Product brochure RX 20 1,4 – 2,0 t


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