Sectional Doors

Industrial Sectional


The sectional door consists of a combination of PU (polyurethane) filled panels that are extremely resistant to outdoor conditions. It is the most preferred type of insulated industrial door in loading and unloading areas where the insulation of the facilities is in the foreground.

We can say that the most preferred door among industrial doors is sectional door . Thanks to different bearing types, they are specially designed to take up the least space in your facility. Manual and motorized alternatives are available. Engine operating speed is

As safety precautions, the  industrial sectional door is fully equipped. The parachute braking system that automatically activates in the event of a rope break, the spring break safety system that automatically activates in the event of a spring break, specially designed panels that prevent finger jamming, and the opto sensor used in motorized doors to prevent the door from closing when something is under the door are standard features of all our industrial sectional doors.

Hörmann industrial doors

Hormann Industrial Sectional Door Trip-Free Threshold

Hormann Sectional Doors – High Security

Hörmann SPU40 Sectional Doors in synchronous mode

Industrial Sectional door  SPU F42

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